Get gospel insights on Mother’s Day, miscarriage, women’s work, parenting — and other faith and culture issues that directly impact mothers — in this Mother’s Day edition of Weekend Reading.
May these articles challenge you to appreciate and encourage mothers in your life.
A Pro-Life Ethic: Miscarriages and Misconceptions
Mothers Day is joyful for many, but it’s painful for those who have lost children by miscarriage. In this article, Laura Thigpen explains what this grief is like — and she draws a surprising line between how we think about miscarriage and abortion. She writes:
The line is subtle, faint and perhaps unnoticeable at times. It is the hairline fracture of hypocrisy. We cannot protest abortion and demand to defund Planned Parenthood if we are unwilling to honor and acknowledge the lives of precious babies destroyed by the curse in miscarriage within our own church families. Read More>>
Proverbs 31 Is for Men, Too
A bit of advice: Preemptively crack open your Bibles to Proverbs 31. This weekend, this passage will be referenced in sermons, plastered on coffee mugs and printed on greeting cards all across the country. But, as Walter R. Strickland II explains, this famous passage isn’t just for women:
Her example is far more than a checklist for men to impose on a potential spouse; she is an example of wise living for men and women alike, although she takes on the particularities of femininity and motherhood. Read More>>
Should Women Work? A Historical Perspective
The question of whether and how women should work remains particularly divisive in some evangelical circles. In this talk from the Wisdom Forum, Carolyn McCulley cuts through the noise to give a historical and biblical perspective on this issue. Here’s a preview:
Your life is going to look different from the lives of those who are next to you. You have time, talent, treasures, relationships and opportunities to invest that are different from those around you. So should women work? Yes. They should work very hard for the glory of God. But it takes extra wisdom in a culture that separates productivity from parenting. Read More>>
Five Survival Tips for the Stay-at-Home Parent
Some parents work outside the home; others work inside the home. Nathaniel Williams has done both. In this article, he gives five suggestions for thriving as a stay-at-home parent:
Being a stay-at-home parent taught me valuable (even spiritual) lessons — oftentimes via the school of hard knocks. If you find yourself in the same situation, here are five tips for surviving and thriving as a stay-at-home parent. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?
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