
#FaithandCulture Reading: C.S. Lewis’ “Political Magic,” Abraham Kuyper, Voting your Conscience, Religious Liberty

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What can we learn from C.S. Lewis’ politics? How can pastors equip their churches to create culture? What is Abraham Kuyper’s lasting influence? Can you vote your conscience? And why is religious liberty important?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Peter Wehner, Dayton Hartman, Bruce Ashford, Bryce Young and Andrew T. Walker in today’s Weekend Reading.

The Political Magic of C.S. Lewis

In The New York Times, Peter Wehner reflects on what we can learn from C.S. Lewis‘ politics. He writes,

As this dispiriting election year has shown, there are many politically prominent Christians today who should think and act more like Lewis. Read More>>

Pastors and Culture

Over at Acts29, Dayton Hartman laments the derivative nature of Christian subcultures. More importantly, he encourages pastors to lead the charge by empowering their congregants to create new culture.

We must produce good art because our biblical worldview uniquely allows us to celebrate beauty. Further, we can demonstrate our ability for meaningful, uplifting, artistic expression grounded in the fact that we are created in the image of an artistic God. Read More>>

How a Dutch Prime Minister Changed My Life

Southeastern’s Bruce Ashford reflects on the importance of Abraham Kuyper, a little-known but deeply persuasive theologian. Ashford writes,

Thus every act of obedience—including political obedience—is a part of Christian mission, a bold declaration that we support God’s claim to the throne. And because the assault on that throne comes from every nook and cranny of creation, we must aim our redirective efforts at every nook and cranny as well. Read More>>

Can You Vote Your Conscience?

What does it mean to vote your conscience? Bryce Young tackles this question at Desiring God. He writes,

So, don’t vote your conscience. Rather, in whatever electoral choice you make — hidden to the world, but in the full sight of God — seek to love him and love your neighbor with a good conscienceRead More>>

The Three A’s of Religious Liberty

Andrew T. Walker boils down religious liberty to three key components: adoration, authenticity and authority. He writes,

At present, it seems like we do not understand one another, or worse, do not want to understand one another. This is a problem, because if Christians fail to communicate what religious liberty is about (or even understand it themselves) in ways that those who don’t share our convictions can understand us, it’s likely that religious liberty will get lost in translation and continue in its decline. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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