
#FaithandCulture Reading: Abraham Kuyper, Dorothy Sayers, Refugees and Connecting Faith and Work

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Why does Abraham Kuyper matter now? What can we learn from Dorothy Sayer about the church and politics? How can the church help people connect faith with work? What three things did a refugee teach a missionary about God’s love?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Bruce Ashford, Spence Spencer, Skye Jethani, Luke Bobo and Eliza Thomas in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.

Why Abraham Kuyper is Relevant to American Public Life (An Interview with Craig Bartholomew)

Bruce Ashford interviews Craig Bartholomew about his new book on Abraham Kuyper. Bartholomew says,

I believe passionately that the Kuyperian tradition has an immense amount to offer to Christians today as we seek to navigate our challenging times. Read More>>

Dorothy Sayers Challenged the Church to Transcend Politics

Over at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, Spence Spencer draws some lessons from the life of Dorothy Sayers. He writes,

Sayers was a ‘cautious transformationalist.’ That is, she encouraged Christians to be actively involved in changing the world for Christ, but warned them about losing their distinct Christian identity. Read More>>

Helping People Connect Faith and Work

Over at Christianity Todday, Skye Jethani and Luke Bobo talk about Made to Flourish and other efforts toe encourage pastors to address faith and work in the church. They write,

It is a common practice for churches to commission Christians who embark on doing missionary work abroad. Many churches see their congregants entering the workplace — a mission field — on a weekly basis. So, bi-monthly, Pastor Jason Harris at Central Presbyterian Church commissions people to specific vocations in the same way they would pray for pastors or foreign missionaries. Read More>>

Three Things a Refugee Taught Me about God’s Love

Eliza Thomas shares what a refugee taught her about God’s love in this powerful story at the IMB. She writes,

Before, he wanted to go back to kill his enemies, but now, he would forgive them. God’s love, he believed, could save them, just as it had transformed him. Read More>>

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The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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