
#FaithandCulture Reading: Refugees, Frederick Douglass, White Supremacy, ‘Gullible Skeptics’ and Work

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What’s it like when a refugee moves into town? How are many Christians “gullible skeptics”? What can we learn from Frederick Douglass? Is God a white supremacist? And what’s the difference between the terms work, career and calling?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from George Robinson, Trevin Wax, Bruce Ashford, Hugh Whelchel and more in today’s #FaithandCulture Roundup.

When Refugees Move to Town

George Robinson humanizes the conversation about refugees in this narrative over at Intersect’s sister blog, The Center for Great Commission Studies. Here’s an excerpt:

And then it hit me. Sambo was from Cambodia. Sambo was a refugee. Sambo had watched people die. Sambo had been terrorized himself. But Sambo escaped somehow. And he had been resettled in our little rural town — as a refugee. Read More>>

“Alternative Facts” and Christians as Gullible Skeptics

Over at The Gospel Coalition, Trevin Wax takes on fake news, media bias, and our tendency to be “gullible skeptics.” He writes,

Too many Christians these days are ‘gullible skeptics.’ Skeptics toward establishment type media outlets, and gullible toward other websites or toward political spinmeisters who already line up with their preexisting beliefs or worldview. Read More>>

Frederick Douglass’s Crusade against ‘Soul-Destroying Religion’

In honor of Black History Month, Christianity Today highlighted the life and work of Frederick Douglass. In particular, they shared excerpts from his writings. Douglass wrote,

I love the religion of our blessed Savior. … It is because I love this religion that I hate the slaveholding, the woman-whipping, the mind-darkening, the soul-destroying religion that exists in the southern states of America.. Read More>>

God is Not a White Supremacist

Swarthmore College is offering a course this semester called, “Is God a White Supremacist?” Bruce Ashford answers the question with an emphatic no. He explains,

Biblical Christianity rejects racial supremacy. This rejection can be seen throughout the Bible’s overarching storyline, and is most evident during three moments of the Bible’s story. Read More>>

Work. Career. Calling. What’s the Difference?

Hugh Whelchel breaks down the difference between work, career and calling — and why the distinctions matter — in this article at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. He writes,

In order to understand the biblical doctrine of work, we must understand a fourth term, vocational calling, and how it differs from career, occupation, or job. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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