
Weekend Reading: Evangelicals and Trump, Learning from Millennials, Homelessness & Abraham Kuyper

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Why do some Evangelicals support Donald Trump? How is one mayor helping the homeless? What advice would Abraham Kuyper have for your new school year? And what can you learn from those younger than you?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from S.D. Kelly, Joe Carter, Nicole Sheets and Abraham Kuyper in today’s Weekend Reading.

Evangelicals for Trump: In Power or Persecuted?

S.D. Kelly thoughtfully reflects on why many Evangelicals support Donald Trump. She writes,

The crux of the matter finally became apparent to me: a vast gulf exists between the way secular Americans see the role of evangelicals in our culture and the way evangelicals see their role in our culture. This chasm so great, it precludes even a shared language, making conversation about Trump himself, and his claim to the evangelical voting bloc, seemingly impossible. Read More>>

Am I Humble Enough to Learn from Millennials?

How can you humbly learn from people who are younger than you? Nicole Sheets addresses this question in an article at Christianity Today. She writes,

As I try to figure out this new stage of life, I find myself more and more irritated by the ideas and habits of younger people. But to my surprise, I’m also discovering how much I have to learn from them. Read More>>

The Mayor Who Found a Simple Way to Help the Homeless: Give Them Jobs

Richard Berry, mayor of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has pioneered a new way to help the homeless in his community: He’s given them jobs. Joe Carter writes,

Several scholars and activists who focus on poverty have praised the program, notes Israel Ortega of Opportunity Lives. Dr. Bob Woodson, founder and president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, [said] the mayor’s plan sounds promising because ‘it is not promoting charity, but instead creating the opportunity to work.’ Read More>>

Abraham Kuyper’s Advice for the New School Year

It’s that time of year again: School is back in session. As you re-enter the classroom, here’s some encouragement from Abraham Kuyper:

It is your high calling to wrest the light of God’s splendor from the hidden recesses of creation, not in order to seek honor for yourself but honor for your God. Read More>>

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