On Memorial Day, we remember those who served to preserve our freedoms — including the invaluable freedom of worship. In honor of Memorial Day, we’ve collected four articles (including two videos) about the relationship between faith and government.
(Video) Russell Moore: “God and Country, Crucified”
In this video recorded at Southeastern Seminary, Russell Moore explains why we need to crucify the idea of “God and country.” He says,
God and country is much easier to teach and preach than Christ and him crucified. Watch Now>>
(Video) A Panel Discussion on the Gospel and Politics
How should your faith impact your vote? What does the gospel have to do with politics? This panel discussion with J.D. Greear, Bruce Ashford, Chris Pappalardo and Walter Strickland can help you answer those questions.
Religion and politics cannot be separated. Because religion is heartfelt — everyone is religious, everyone worships something, everyone has an idol, either a real god or a false god that controls them — religion radiates outward into all that we do. What we hold as ultimate does control how we act and the way we behave. Read More>>
Seven Guiding Principles for Christians in the Public Square
Even if you do believe that we should allow our faith to influence our politics, this question remains: How? In this article, Bruce Ashford helps you answer that question with seven guiding principles.
As Christians, we should participate in politics and in discussions about the public good. We do so with seriousness, because Christian love and convictions demand that we work for the public good. We do so with grace, because Christian love extends even to people with whom we have irreconcilable differences politically. And we do so with joy, because our final hope is in Jesus Christ, rather than in the United States of America. Read More>>
The Dangerous, Deadly Consequences of Pilate Politics
Nathaniel Williams reflects on Pilate’s leadership failures — and the lessons we can learn from them.
Pilates’ sins were many. He ignored his convictions and his wife’s wise counsel. He gave in to the whims of an angry mob. And he condemned Jesus to be crucified — not because he believed Jesus was guilty, but because it was more politically expedient. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?