
#FaithandCultureReading: Jordan Edwards, ’13 Reasons Why,’ Childlessness, ‘Fearless Girl’

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What’s the real tragedy in the shooting of Jordan Edwards? What hope is there for childless women? What does your wife wish she could tell you about working at home? What can we learn from 13 Reasons Why about the need for discipleship? Why is the Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street controversial?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Jemar Tisby, Gina Dalfonzo, Laura Thigpen, Courtney Reissig and Hannah Stokes in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.

The Real Tragedy in the Shooting of Jordan Edwards

In this op-ed for CNN, Jemar Tisby explains that Jordan Edwards’ untimely death isn’t tragic because he was a good student. It was tragic because he was a human being made in God’s image. He writes,

The next person who ends up a hashtag may not be as virtuous as Jordan, but that doesn’t mean he or she is any less deserving of dignity. Our sorrow shouldn’t depend on whether someone got straight As. Read More>>

The Barren Woman’s True Identity

Laura Thigpen offers biblical encouragement to barren women on Mother’s Day in this article at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. She writes,

As Mother’s Day approaches each year, I am reminded of loss and pain, of barrenness and sorrow and of the refining fire my faith has endured. The day of celebration is never separated from pain for me. Yet, I find comfort, salve for my heart and my place in God’s Word. Read More>>

5 Things Your Wife Wishes You Knew (But Might Never Tell You)

Courtney Reissig reflects on the value of women’s work in the home. She writes,

The hours look different than for those who hold more traditional jobs, but that doesn’t diminish what she is doing. Work is God’s means of loving the world through the labors of our hands. She is doing that good work by cleaning the floors, making the home a safe and welcoming place, and hosting weary friends. She is loving the world in the grocery shopping, the meal planning, and even the training of children. Read More>>

13 Reasons Why…Discipleship is Essential to Women in the Church

At our sister blog Women’s Life, Hannah Stokes reflects on the controversial show 13 Reasons Why — and uses it as a springboard to explain why women need discipleship. She writes,

Watching that show gave me a refreshed conviction about what it means to really live out God’s word—to bring it to the broken, the lost, the dying. And there truly are so many young people who are fighting, who are restless, who are lonely, and no one even notices—no one tells them they are worth it. Read More>>

Baiting the Bull: A Closer Look at Fearless Girl

Have you seen the Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street? Gina Dalfonzo explains why the statue is drawing criticism, and what this tells us about how we use symbols. She writes,

However laudable State Street’s intentions, the actual impression made by Fearless Girl is more than a little muddled. Regardless of whose side you or I come down on, this shift in perspective should make us think about the power we give to symbols—whether or not they merit it. Read More>>

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