What’s behind our biases? What books can you read to understand the racial divide? Why is adoption so important? How should we think about North Carolina’s HB2? And what kinds of stories are our churches telling?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Walter Strickland, Ivan Mesa, Chelsea Patterson, Andrew Whitworth, Josh Wester and Andrew Whitworth in today’s Weekend Reading.
More is Caught than Taught: The Tragic Death of Terence Crutcher
Over at the new Kingdom Diversity blog, Walter Strickland highlights three “tutors” that stoke our subconscious biases. He writes,
Admitting to biases is not sinful, but ignoring them is, and the consequences could be deadly. Read More>>
7 Books on the White-Black Racial Divide You Should Read
Why is the racial divide so pervasive? In this post, Ivan Mesa helps us answer the question by asking which books Jemar Tisby, Matthew Hall, Isaac Adams, Bethany Jenkins, Nathan Finn, Thomas Kidd and Otis Pickett would recommend.
In order to gain perspective on an often perplexing set of issues, I recently reached out to several TGC friends and asked for book recommendations — for essential books that illumine the cultural moment we’re in, explain how we got here, and encourage us forward. Read More>>
Adoption: The Period to the Pro-Life Sentence
Chelsea Patterson emphasizes how important adoption is to the pro-life cause. She writes,
Adoption is the period to the pro-life sentence. Without an adequate discussion on adoption, the pro-life conversation is merely a fragment instead of a complete sentence. Read More>>
Fighting a Phony War: The NCAA, the ACC, and North Carolina
Josh Wester at the ERLC critiques the NCAA’s reaction to North Carolina’s controversial HB2 Bill
HB2 is good legislation that protects the vulnerable. But this debate isn’t about policy, it is about progress. And that is the problem. Read More>>
The Stories Our Churches Tell
Over at Christ and Pop Culture, Andrew Whitworth encourages us to reflect on the stories our churches tell via our celebrations. Do they tell the the story of scripture, or something different?
While the story of scripture and the story of America are not always in conflict, they are not the same story. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?