What’s so troubling about fake news? How can you have influence at your job? What are some ways you can make godly resolutions about your wealth in 2017? And should Christians care about politics?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Josh Wester, Banning Liebscher, Anne Bradley and Dan Darling in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
What’s So Troubling About Fake News?
Over at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Josh Wester explains why fake news is so troubling. He explains,
As Christians, we belong to Jesus who is himself the truth. If our primary task in the world is to know and reflect this truth to others, we cannot be complicit in the spread of false information. Read More>>
How to Actually Have Influence at Your Job
If you don’t work in vocational ministry, you may not think God can use you. But, as Banning Liebscher explains at Relevant, “Being the ‘salt of the earth’ doesn’t take place behind a pulpit.” He continues,
The vast majority of the body of Christ will be learning to use their influence in the marketplace, workplace, home, and in their community. This is good news. We need Christians who have embraced the mandate to lead and are leaning into God’s purposes for a lost and broken culture. Read More>>
Four Tips for Making Godly Resolutions about Your Wealth in 2017
Have you made any resolutions about your wealth in 2017? If so, Dr. Anne Bradley has some suggestions for you. She writes,
Make manageable resolutions Particularly when our motivation to change is highly emotional, we often take too much on and doom ourselves to failure. Choose something finite and achievable. Read More>>
Why Should Gospel-Loving People Care About Politics?
After the nasty 2016 Presidential election, is it time for Christians to give up on politics? Dan Darling says no, in this article at Radical. He writes,
Our freedom as Americans — our opportunity to vote, to shape policy, to influence the public debate — is a gift and a stewardship from God. To disengage is, in my view, an abdication of this stewardship. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?