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Weekend Reading: Women’s Politics, Prayers for Police, Leveraging Jobs & Religious Liberty

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How can you speak about politics with conviction and grace? How can you pray for the police? In what ways can you leverage your job for God’s glory? Why should you care about religious liberty? And how should evangelicals think about politics?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Bruce Ashford, Penny Young Nance, Jarvis Williams, Andrew Koetsier and Tom Nelson in today’s Weekend Reading.

Six Tips for Women Afraid to Talk Politics

Penny Young Nance offers six practical tips to talk about politics with both conviction and grace. She writes,

Sometimes, I know I’m the only one in the room with a certain conviction. But I believe it’s our call as women and as Christians to let our voices be heard. Here are six pieces of advice for preparing to talk politics, based on what I’ve learned over my career. Read More>>

Pray for the Police

In this article at the Reformed African American Network, Jarvis Williams urges us to pray for the police.

A question that Christians should be asking themselves during these troubling times is what does God’s word say is an appropriate posture toward the police or toward any institution or person who rules in authority over us? There are many different answers to this question…. However, I think prayer is an answer that would always be applicable in any context. Read More>>

6 Ways to Use Your Job This Week

You spend a third of your entire adult life at work. How can you intentionally leverage your job for the glory of God? Tom Nelson offers six tips. He writes,

Christian, be encouraged. Whether your job feels like a dead-end or a relentless treadmill, God is using it in these ways and so many more to shape you into the likeness of his Son. What could be better than that? Read More>>

Will Religious Freedom Be Upheld?

In this article at Canon and Culture, Intersect Grant Coordinator Andrew Koetsier compares America’s current hostility towards religious freedom with what he experienced in Russia. He writes,

In light of this reality, we must engage in the defense of religious liberty in the public square or be resigned to the consequences of our passivity. Read More>>

2 Planks Necessary in a Platform for Future Evangelical Political Witness

When it comes to politics, Bruce Ashford argues that Evangelicals need to take the long view and broad view. He writes,

The broader and longer view means investing long-term in every aspect of American culture—art, science, education, politics, economics, business, sports, and family life. It means avoiding the pitfall of social and political passivity, on the one hand, and mindless and ineffective short-term activism, on the other hand. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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