
#FaithandCulture Reading: Women’s March, Pro-Life Marketing, Social Divisions and the Forgotten America

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How should you evaluate the women’s march? How are pro-life groups using business techniques? What divisions does America need to overcome? How have we forgotten about rural America?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Bruce Ashford, Owen Strachan, Anna Daub and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra in today’s #FaithandCulture Roundup.

Women’s Marches and Missions

Everyone has an opinion about last week’s women’s march. Over at the Center for Great Commission Studies, Anna Daub challenges us to look beyond the political angle and, instead, to look through the eyes of a missiologist. She writes,

From where I stand as a female missiologist (someone who studies the science of missions), this weekend was important. While I in no way want to minimize the big button issues present like abortion, I also believe that if we ever want to reach this generation, we need to pay attention to other things that were said and done. This event, this march, is a window into our current culture. Read More>>

Meet the Pro-Life Group Cracking Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Market

Over at The Gospel Coalition, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra explains how Human Coalition uses marketing ad business techniques to spread pro-life change. She writes,

A business executive, a technology guru, and a CEO consultant all walked into the pro-life movement. Using skills they’d honed in the for-profit business world, they began to do something no one else was doing: reach and influence what the industry calls “abortion-determined” women, those who have already decided to end their pregnancies. Seven years later, they’re leaders of a pro-life nonprofit called Human Coalition. Read More>>

Make America Unified Again: 3 Social Divisions We Must Overcome

Bruce Ashford and Michael Graham plot a path forward for America after a divisive election. They write,

Before we talk about how to deal with those divisions, we must be willing to recognize them for what they are. Some of those divisions—such as ideological, racial, and economic—have been apparent for years now, but there are at least three significant divides that were “off the radar” for many Americans until the 2016 election cycle put them on full display. Read More>>

The America We Forgot

Owen Strachan laments the partisan divide — and the forgotten portions of America — in this article at For the Church. He writes,

Cultural snobbery rooted in personal superiority is a cancer of our time. America famously practices what Richard Hofstadter called “politics in the paranoid style,” but in truth, we don’t confine our paranoia to politics. We politicize everything today: the national anthem, sustainable food, cars and trucks, love of country, music, sports. All the good stuff and everything else besides. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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