What hope does Christianity offer transgender people? What’s the cure to toxic masculinity? How can we teach our children about a Christian view of work? Is marriage the best way to grow spiritually? And what do burgers Blockbuster have in common?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Sam Allbery, Liberty McArtor, Amy Sherman, Ashley Gorman and Hal Koss in today’s #FaithandCulture Roundup.
What Christianity Alone Offers Transgender Persons
Sam Allberry explains how Christianity offers hope for transgender persons. He writes,
While much of the thinking around transgender issues today is flawed, the pain experienced by those with gender dysphoria is all too real. We of all people should appreciate why, for we of all people understand the true depth of what’s wrong with this world. Our churches should be the places people feel most safe trying to articulate their own sense of not being right. Read More>>
God’s Story of Work for Kids
Amy Sherman reviews a new curriculum about faith and work for children. She writes,
Kim has done a masterful job taking vital, theologically rich content and making it accessible for kids. Hopefully, through her work, their parents will easily “get it” as well. Read More>>
‘Toxic Masculinity’ and the Only True Antidote
Over at Stream, Liberty McArtor addresses the issue of toxic masculinity — and points to a true solution. She writes,
The left has stumbled onto a problem that has been around for a long time. Liberals call it “toxic masculinity.” Christians calls it sin. The liberal solutions will end up causing more harm than good. Why? Because they don’t understand the real problem of men in society and they try to fix it without the guidance of the only man who has the answer: Jesus Christ. Read More>>
Marriage Isn’t the Ultimate Way to Grow Spiritually
Ashley Gorman explains that can grow you spiritually through marriage, but it’s not the only way, in this piece from Relevant. She writes,
Marriage can be a wonderful instrument God uses to help us cast our eyes back to Him, but it’s not the only tool or even the ultimate tool he uses. Read More>>
Liturgies Brought to Life: An Ode to Burgers and Blockbuster
What do hamburgers and Blockbuster have in common, and why does it matter? Hal Koss explains in this fascinating piece. He writes,
Freedom is often bound up with healthy rhythms, requiring a degree of submission, patience, restraint, and trust, while rhythms built upon autonomy, convenience, and unlimited choice often result in a spiritual hangover. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?