Should you stop talking about politics on social media? Should you stop having children to save the earth? Do you have to be a politician or filmmaker to impact culture? What does science say about sexuality and gender? And is there a silver lining to the 2016 election?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Russell Moore, Greg Forster, Joe Carter, Alicia Rollins and Holly Meyer in today’s Weekend Reading.
We Need More Politics on Social Media, Not Less
Are you tired of reading everyone’s political hot takes on social media? If so, you may be tempted to disengage from the conversation. But Alicia Rollins at Christianity Today explains that your voice is as needed as ever. She writes,
I am more convinced than ever before that we the people are shaping one another online…. Turns out, if we ‘exist’ online then we have some space to steward. Read More>>
Should We Stop Having Children to Save the Earth?
If a growing population leads to global warming, as some environmentalists claim, should we stop having children? Russell Moore tackles this question at his blog. He writes,
It’s true that many are dismissive of the challenges we face in safeguarding the eco-systems around us. But the answer is not turning against the blessing of children and future generations. To do so would harm not only the family, but the earth too. Read More>>
You Don’t Have to Get Elected or Make Movies to Change Culture
Changing culture is not just for “important” people; it’s for you and me, claims Greg Forster in an article at The Gospel Coalition.
If we think about ‘changing culture’ only in terms of special, limited activities, like influencing elections or making movies, we will always end up having to choose between a focus on changing culture and a focus on loving our neighbors. But if we teach people to be disciples of Jesus Christ in their workplaces, loving our neighbors — serving them through our work — becomes a way of bringing the gospel to our culture. Read More>>
What Science Really Has to Say about Sexuality and Gender
Joe Carter at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) gives you the details from a recent study about sexuality and gender. The study’s findings seem to go against mainstream assumptions.
To encourage further examination of the document, I’ve compiled a list of highlights that will provide a broad and extensive — though nowhere near comprehensive — summary overview of their findings. Read More>>
Theologian Finds Silver Lining in Election ‘Dumpster Fire’
Speaking of the ERLC, Bruce Ashford commented on faith and politics at last week’s ERLC National Conference. USA Today picked up his comments about the election. Journalist Holly Meyer writes,
A Southern Baptist seminary professor called the current election cycle a ‘nearly unmitigated disaster’ and a ‘colossal dumpster fire,’ but he’s found a silver lining. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?