
Summer Reading List: Secularism, Science, the Transgender Movement, the Christian Life

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What books should you put on your summer reading list? We asked Intersect contributors this question, and we’ve been sharing their recommendations in recent weeks.

Today, Drs. Ken Keathley, Bruce Ashford and David W. Jones recommend a variety of books on science, transgenderism and heroes of the faith.

Editor’s Note: You can download two Intersect-exclusive ebooks from Bruce Ashford for free. Details>>

Ken Keathley

Ken Keathley

Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology by J.P Moreland (Crossway, 2018)

An excellent book for anyone entering college, especially if he or she intends to major in a STEM field. Brief and to the point, Moreland demonstrates that science is done most effectively within a Christian worldview.

Bruce Ashford

Bruce Ashford

Transhumanism and the Image of God: Today’s Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship by Jacob Shatzer (IVP Academic, 2019)

This book explores the developing phenomenon of transhumanism, which involves attempts to improve human intelligence, physical strength, and sensory apparatus by melding technology with the human body. 

When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by Ryan T. Anderson (Encounter Books, 2018)

This book explores transgender ideology and the phenomenon of gender dysphoria.

David W. Jones

The Great Awakening by Joseph Tracy (Banner of Truth, 2019 reprint)

This classic primary source account of the Great Awakening in colonial America was originally written and compiled in 1841. This new Banner of Truth edition will be an encouragement to all who long and pray for a modern day revival and awakening in our land. Tracy shows the primacy of Scripture in regard to spiritual renewal, as well as analyzing the abuses and excesses of the Great Awakening.

The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson (Banner of Truth, 2013 reprint)

First published in 1981, this classic work in practical theology explores the theological foundations of Christian ethics, as it reviews and explains doctrines such as grace, faith, repentance, and assurance. Whereas some are tempted to adopt utilitarian approaches to morality, Ferguson shows that, rightly understood, Christian ethics is applied theology.

21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful by John Piper (Crossway, 2018)

Readers familiar with Piper’s books in his Swans Are Not Silent series will enjoy this one-volume compilation of all the books in this series. These  biographies will encourage all who read them. In this massive 800 page volume Piper explores the lives of spiritual giants ranging from Augustine and Athanasius, to Luther and Calvin, to Judson and Taylor.

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  • science
  • Summer Reading List
  • theology
  • transgender
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