How should you respond to the transgender bathroom debate? What can Bono and Eugene Peterson teach you about friendship? Can you escape the culture wars? And why is abortion so detrimental to society?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Russell Moore, Bruce Ashford, Daniel Darling and W. David O. Taylor in today’s Weekend Reading.
What the Transgender Bathroom Debate Means For You
What’s the significance of the transgender bathroom debate, and what does it mean for you? Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) tackles these questions in a recent post. He notes,
The Sexual Revolution, chaotically, wants to tell us that gender means nothing and that gender means everything. Neither is true. Read More>>
Bono, Eugene Peterson, and the Vocation of Friendship
Perhaps you’ve seen the recent video in which Bono and Eugene Peterson discuss their mutual love of the Psalms. In this article, W. David O. Taylor reflects on parts of their conversation that didn’t make the video — in which Bono and Peterson discuss the vocation of friendship. He writes,
As I observed Bono and Eugene’s exchanges on that Sunday afternoon in a small town in Montana, I saw the virtue of hospitality at work. In this particular relational context, it meant the habit of paying attention and the habit of generosity of spirit. Read More>>
Everyone Is a Culture Warrior. Some Admit It.
Is it possible to escape the culture wars? Daniel Darling of the ERLC tackles this question on his blog. He concludes,
Let’s not fall prey to the fiction that we can make the gospel palatable enough so as to be inoffensive. The gospel is always a stumbling block to those who don’t believe. It’s always strange to the ears of those who hear it the first time. It is this very distinctiveness that makes it compelling. Read More>>
8 Reasons Why Abortion is Detrimental to Society
In the carnival that has been the 2016 election cycle, one issue that has often been overlooked is abortion. In this post, Bruce Ashford offers eight reasons abortion is detrimental. He writes,
The 2016 election cycle has the feel of a carnival. But instead of letting the carnival dominate our attention and sap all of our energy, let’s make sure we don’t lose sight of other significant aspects of evangelical concern, such as making every unborn child protected by law and welcomed in life. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?