The 10 Most Read Articles of 2022

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So far in our 2022 recap, we’ve shared your favorite podcast episodes and articles. But let’s look at the cold hard facts: Which articles and videos did you access the most in 2022?

We crunched the numbers. Here are the 10 most popular articles and videos of 2022.

1. “You Are More Than Your Gift”: Encanto’s Lessons for the Church

Sherelle Ducksworth highlights the popular film Encanto and explains what we can learn from the story. It was a delightful piece, and it was the most read new article of 2022. Here’s an excerpt:

  • “Like Mirabel, we should not doubt our place in the family because of the manifestation of a gift. Even if our gifts are not considered grand or seem to not exist, we are still in the family.”
Carmen Imes

2. Carmen Imes: The Rise and Fall of the Imago Dei?

Carmen Imes was one of the speakers at our first Exploring Personhood conference, and her lecture was widely watched after the conference.

  • “We can collaborate together and learn from each other, but we can’t do that if we don’t talk with each other.”

P. S. Exploring Personhood returns on Feb. 2-3 2023! Learn more and grab your tickets.

3. Seminary Student, Don’t Get Too Comfortable in the Academy.

Jordan Steffaniak loves the academy and pursuing the intellectual life. But he has observed an unhealthy trend amonst seminary students, and he calls it out in this powerful piece. He writes,

  • “Pursue vocational pastoral ministry. Pursue it for as long as the Lord doesn’t slam the door in your face. Why? I’m glad you asked. Because it’s God’s chosen office alongside deacon to build up the church.”

4. 16 Books on Faith and Art

This December, we started a new series called Art Month, which we hope to highlight each December. In the inaugural article of this series, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior highlighted 16 books on faith and art, and many of you read the list.

  • “Art is a profoundly theological subject.”

Dr. Prior was also featured in some other top resources: Both her summer reading list (Making our Faith More Whole and Just) and her recorded lecture (“Called to Create“) were widely accessed.

This Is Hope (credit:

5. How Christians Can Prepare for the U.S. Supreme Court’s Monumental Abortion Ruling  

Jessica Prol Smith used to work as a pro-life advocate on Capitol Hill. So she watched with interested as the Supreme Court moved to overthrow Roe v. Wade. This article was practical and wise. Here’s an excerpt:

  • “Abortion advocates rely on the myth that women need abortion in order to operate as fully useful and equal members of society.”

Beyond the Top 5

Thanks for visiting the websit this year! We can’t wait to share new content with you in January 2023!

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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