
Weekend Reading: 3 Challenging Articles about Work and Busyness

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Weekends are an ideal time to rest from the craziness of work. They also give us an opportunity to reflect and see if we need to change anything about ourselves, our work or our schedules.

As you pause this weekend, here are three inspiring and challenging articles for your weekend reading.

Four TED Talks to Inspire You in Your Work

Feeling discouraged about your work? Elise Daniel offers four videos to encourage and inspire you. Watch the videos>>

7 Signs You’ve Become Too Busy for Your Own Good

It seems that everyone is busy all the time, but is that healthy? Alli Worthington gives you seven signs that you’ve become too busy.

So how do we know when we are reaching our limits? We aren’t like our phones with flashing numbers that tell us we’ve reached our capacity. But there are signs our body gives us if we’re paying attention, signs that may look different for each of us. For some the warning signs may be emotional. For others they might be physical, relational, or spiritual. But rest assured, if you are over capacity, you will soon find out— the hard way. Read More>>

The Unbusy Pastor

Speaking of being busy, pastors face this temptation the most. And Eugene Peterson argues that a busy pastor is not simply bad; it’s dangerous.

The adjective busy set as a modifier to pastor should sound to our ears like adulterous to characterize a wife, or embezzling to describe a banker. It is an outrageous scandal, a blasphemous affront. Read More>>

What are you reading this weekend?

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