You’re Invited: Free Science for the Church Workshop at Exploring Personhood

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We cannot avoid science and technology in contemporary culture. Even our local congregations include past, present, and future scientists and science-trained individuals. How can they and the science they work with be used in service of the gospel and the work of the church?

Join us February 11, 2022 during the Exploring Personhood conference on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC for a Science for the Church workshop addressing how science and scientists can contribute to the work of the church.

At this workshop, hosted by Science for the Church in partnership with the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture, we will offer reasons why the church should engage science and how it can actually benefit from doing so. Nathaniel Williams, a pastor and Southeastern Seminary graduate, will join Justin Barrett, a cognitive scientist, to consider the challenges and the opportunities for utilizing the science presented at the Exploring Personhood conference to support the ministry of local congregations.

This workshop occurs during meal breaks for the Exploring Personhood conference and includes both breakfast and lunch.

Note: Registration for the Science for the Church workshop is an “add-on” ticket to the Exploring Personhood conference. Registrants will also receive Science for the Church’s weekly newsletter and a free guide on engaging science in the local church. 

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Schedule on Friday, February 11

Breakfast Session (7:45-8:45am)

  • 7:45am | Breakfast
  • 8:00am | “Why the Church Should Engage Science and How It Can Benefit from Doing So”
    featuring Greg Cootsona and Drew Rick-Miller, co-Directors of Science for the Church

Lunch Session (11:15am – 12:30pm)

  • 11:15am | “What Do We Do with the Science Around Human Personhood?”
    A conversation between Nathaniel Williams and Justin Barrett facilitated by Drew Rick-Miller.

Note: Registration for the Science for the Church workshop is an “add-on” ticket to the Exploring Personhood conference. Registrants will also receive Science for the Church’s weekly newsletter and a free guide on engaging science in the local church. 

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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