
#FaithandCulture Recap: Cultural Critics, Resting from Social Media, Anti-Porn Strategy

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In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week — featuring selections from Bruce Ashford, Adam Denny, Scott Hildreth, Andrew Ely, Marylou Springer, and more.

The Top 10 (or so) Cultural Critics I’ve Read in Recent Years

Which cultural critics have Bruce Ashford read in recent years? Here’s a brief list. He writes,

Though each of these thinkers tells the narrative of the West’s demise is a different way, what they all therefore trace is the spiraling downfall that occurs when society loses belief in God and places human beings upon his throne.

Reasons to Rest from Social Media

Adam Denny encourages you to take a rest from social media. Here’s why:

Recently I’ve sensed a real need to take an extended break from social media. It’s something I’ve done before but never longer than a week or two. Jesus’ words in His teachings about the necessity of fasting for spiritual reasons weighs heavily on my mind.

SEBTS Professor Explains Anti-Porn Publishing Strategy

Our friends at the Biblical Recorder report on a video Scott Hildreth recorded about his book on pornography — and the surprising reason he wrote it. He says,

I pray that God would use it as a way to get His message of hope to people who are really struggling, who feel bound by a porn addiction or obsession that is controlling them

From our Sister Blogs

Intersect serves as the blog of the Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) at Southeastern Seminary (SEBTS). Take a few minutes to look at recent posts from our sister Centers:

From Intersect This Week

Here’s a list of the articles we published since last Friday. If you missed one, now’s your time to catch up!

What other articles would you recommend?

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  • culture
  • pornography
  • social media
  • Weekend Reading
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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