In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today, we highlight articles from Micah Fries, Mike McKee, Stephanie Jackson and Gage Arnold.
3 Ways to Live Like Jesus This School Year
Micah Fries offers some practical suggestions for influencing your children (and their schools) this school year at Lifeway Voices. He writes,
Be the kind of family that, when you leave your school, the teachers and administrators are sad to see you go.
How to Navigate Youth Sports as Christ Followers
Mike McKee, pastor and former college baseball player, delivers tips on how to navigate youth sports without making it an idol. He writes,
We need to right our perspective and view sports as a tool, not a means to vicariously live out our dreams through our kids.
How Churches and Families Can Partner in Making Disciples
Kids need to be discipled, and parents and churches can partner in the process. Stephanie Jackson discusses in this article at
Ministry leaders should be parents’ greatest encouragers on Sundays and throughout the week as well.
How Blue-Collar Work Enhances the Common Good
All work matters to God — and that includes blue-collar work, as Gage Arnold explains in this article at the Center for Faith + Work LA. He writes,
Can you imagine the cultural impact if every day we walked into our work and asked, How can I leave my workplace better than I found it?
What other articles would you recommend?