In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week on wisdom, coronavirus, Memorial Day, poverty and more — featuring selections from Alistair Roberts, Matthew Daniel, Ann Bradley, Al Erisman, and more.
- Wisdom and Folly in Christian Responses to Coronavirus
Alistair Roberts: “The wise surround themselves with a multitude of counsellors. By contrast, fools merely appeal to whatever ‘expert’ will confirm them in their ways, dismiss the experts as agents of a conspiracy or blind servants of an ideological agenda, or absolve themselves from the task of discernment by appeal to the fact that ‘experts disagree.'”
- 5 Facts About Memorial Day
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission staff: “On Monday, Americans will observe Memorial Day, a federal holiday for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces.”
- How to Pray for Smaller Churches and Their Pastors During the COVID-19 Crisis
Matthew Daniel at The Pastors Center: “This season is a great opportunity for the church to reflect on the spiritual state of the local body. Pray that leadership and members alike will have focused time spent in the Word and in prayer.”
- Poverty, not Income Inequality, Is Our Modern Problem
Dr. Ann Bradley at The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics: “Rather than directing our energies toward the biggest incomes, perhaps our focus should be directed toward how we can help those trapped in poverty.”
- Celebrating the Dignity of Frontline Workers
Al Erisman at Made to Flourish: “Perhaps with the current emphasis on “essential workers,” we will come from this period with a renewed sense of this wider view of faith and work.”
From Intersect
In recent days, writers at Intersect have discussed topics ranging from Critical Theory and COVID-19 to teamwork and creationism. If you missed one of articles or videos, now’s your time to catch up.
- Conviction and Compassion: What We Can Learn from Ravi Zacharias
Adam Denny: “Ravi Zacharias had an uncanny ability to give a defense of the most offensive message (the gospel) without being an offensive person.”
- Cultivating Virtue in a Pandemic
Clint Little: “Every sin is a window into our actual character, not just an aberration brought about by unusual circumstances.”
- 4 Encouraging Verses for the Chaos of Coronavirus
Nathaniel Williams: “Jesus truly understands our suffering because he suffered, too.”
- Hurry. Death. Theodore Roosevelt. | Books for Your Summer Reading List
Yana Conner, Jaclyn Parrish and Clint Little recommend books on hurry, Death and Theodore Roosevelt.
- A Telephone and a Testimony: Sharing the Gospel During COVID-19
Cody Beasley: “We should love our neighbors through our compliance with government guidance and orders.”
- Leading from a Distance: What You Can Learn from the Apostle Paul
Jeff Mingee: “Leader, embrace distance as an invitation to lead by praying.”
What other articles would you recommend?