
#FaithandCulture Reading: Same-Sex Attraction, Beth Moore, China’s Greatest Slaughter in History, Gumball Machine God

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Does the Bible really apply to people with same-sex attraction? What can Beth Moore teach you about writing? What human rights travesty did China recently admit to? What happens if you never make it past your humble beginnings? And what historical figures does Amber Bowen look up to?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Joe Carter, Nick Roen, Joy Beth Smith, Amber Bowen and Kaitlyn Schiess in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.

What Is Really Best for Me? Applying the Bible to the Same-Sex-Attracted

Is the traditional sexual ethic really best for people who have same-sex attraction? Over at Desiring God, Nick Roen says yes. He writes,

Christianity tells us our ultimate worth is found in the image of God, not in our sexual expression. Read More>>

4 Things Beth Moore Taught Me About Writing

Beth Moore is one of the most influential Bible teachers in America. Joy Beth Smith reflects on how Moore has influenced her writing in this article at CT Women. Here’s an excerpt:

Some ideas shouldn’t find their way past social media, few books could — or should — be distilled to a single tweet, and many ideas are best served by sermons or blog posts. The trick, as Moore said, is having the discernment to know how far to go with an idea. The concept itself, the surrounding discussion, and the writer’s own competence to address it play a factor. Read More>>

China Admits to the Greatest Slaughter in Human History

Over at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter reports on horrifying abortion statistics from China. He writes,

Since 1971, the country has carried out the largest single slaughter of human beings in the history of the world. To put the numbers in perspective, the 336 million deaths in China are… more than the entire population of the world at the time of the Crusades (c. 1100 AD). Read More>>

Gumball Machine God

“Don’t despise small beginnings.” Maybe you’ve heard this phrase before. Perhaps you’ve uttered it yourself. But when it comes to your work, what if you stay small? What if you never attain that big platform you aspire to? Kaitlyn Schiess address this question in a recent article. She writes,

We shouldn’t despise small beginnings, but we shouldn’t despise small endings, either. Not only is it vitally important that we proclaim the truth that faithfulness and obedience to God is not measured by success or size of platform, it’s also incredibly important that we shout this one from the rooftops: our God is not a gumball machine God. Read More>>

Women’s Heritage Month: Amber Bowen

Over at our sister blog Women’s Life, Amber Bowen shares about her work, favorite historical figures and more. She writes,

Angelina and Sarah Grimke are fascinating historical figures. They grew up in the south in a slave-holding family that also believed women were inferior to men…. They were among the first female public speakers and powerful writers who were strong influences in the public discourse of the time. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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