Contemporary Art: The Christian’s Unlikely Tutor
And there I was: in the “Citta’ Eterna.” Not to see the glories of ancient Rome or the […]
Contemporary Art: The Christian’s Unlikely Tutor
And there I was: in the “Citta’ Eterna.” Not to see the glories of ancient Rome or the […]
Risky Ministry: An Italian Church’s Response to Terrorism
For thousands of years Rome has been called “The Eternal City.” She was given this name by the […]
Mistaking the Part for the Whole: Human Value and the Pro-Life Ethic
What does it mean to be pro-life? The term “pro-life” has a narrow meaning in our current context […]
Listening to Black Lives Matter: Redeeming Emmanuel Levinas (The Philosophical Blacklist)
This post is part of a multi-part series, Redeeming the Philosophical Blacklist. One afternoon I was talking with a […]
Love the Word: Redeeming Jacques Derrida (The Philosophical Blacklist)
This post is part of a multi-part series, Redeeming the Philosophical Blacklist. If given the choice, would you prefer […]
Embracing Death: Redeeming Martin Heidegger (The Philosophical Blacklist)
This is the first post in a multi-part series, Redeeming the Philosophical Blacklist. Twentieth century German philosopher Martin […]
The Self-Interested and the Silent: (De)Classifying Gender Confusion
The world is talking about Caitlyn. This transgender celebrity has caused everyone to think about the nature of […]
‘Stuck’: Christians and the Transgender Narrative
In his final public appearance before debuting Caitlyn into society, Bruce Jenner shared his experience as a transgender […]
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