Why Do We Still Sin After Salvation?
Faith and Culture
Reflecting God in the Call to Know
God has made himself known to us. He invites us to know him — and to know about his creation.
The Internet Is Rewiring our Brains. Are Local Churches the Solution?
We must take concrete steps to raise people’s awareness of the effects of technology on their worldview.
Research as Conversation, Community, and Formation
Doing research well teaches you how to communicate effectively — plus other added benefits.
Education and Holistic Stewardship
Stewardship concerns not just our bank accounts, but all parts of our lives — including our education.
Reorienting Christian Education Towards Spiritual Formation
Understanding the patterns of spiritual growth and development can give the church a path forward where the goal of Christian education is spiritual formation.
Benjamin Quinn: Advancing the Way of Christ in Culture
With a new season and a new director, we took the opportunity to change some things up and cast a fresh vision for the Christ and Culture Podcast — and the Center for Faith and Culture as a whole.
5 Steps to Own Your Child’s Education
we parents have the God-given responsibility to be the primary disciple-makers of our children. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself.
Relearning the Art of Learning: Why Classical Education Is on the Rise
What is classical education, and what's behind its resurgence?
Who Was L. Russ Bush?
We embody the life and ministry of our founder, Dr. L Russ Bush (1944-2008). We'd like to introduce you to his work and legacy.
Learning to Teach Like Jesus
How can we learn to teach like Jesus? And how do his methods interact with modern pedagogy?
Why Should We Persist in Prayer?
Why should we persist in prayer?
The Beginning and End of Education
Good education begins and ends with knowing God and connects all subjects and concepts back to His character and deeds.
Christian Education Sees the Whole Person
Children deserve to learn to love the true, the good, and the beautiful — and we adults do as well.
Quinn: A Word to Teachers and Administrators
How we think about education affects how teachers and administrators go about their work.
Quinn: What Is the Way of Christ in Education?
Dr. Benjamin Quinn kicks off Education month with a reflection on the way of Christ in education.
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying: Killing Sin and Living in Christ
The Christian life is a constant pull between the prison of sin and the freedom of life “on the outside” in Christ.
Successful Failure: Reflections from the Chessboard
We must learn to fail successfully.
Fiction and Nonfiction | Amanda Aucoin’s Summer Reading Recommendations
Dr. Amanda Aucoin recommends two books for your summer reading list.
The War Against Masculinity | Mark Liederbach’s Summer Reading Recommendations
Mark Liederbach recommends 5 books for your summer reading list.
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