Bryce Hantla: A Conversation on Vouchers and School Choice
Dr. Bryce Hantla joins us for a nuanced conversation on the pros and cons of school choice.
Bryce Hantla: A Conversation on Vouchers and School Choice
Dr. Bryce Hantla joins us for a nuanced conversation on the pros and cons of school choice.
Billy Graham’s Statue in the U. S. Capitol: Celebrating His Remarkable Legacy
Billy Graham was known the world over – not bad for a Southern Baptist preacher from North Carolina. […]
Into the Language Wars of Sex and Gender with Jacques Derrida
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always indoctrinate me.
Faithfulness in the Public Square: Takeaways From Brent Leatherwood’s Carver-Barnes Lecture
As Christians, the statement “Jesus is Lord” should encompass our whole being
Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism: A Biblical Response to Current Trends
Brent Leatherwood and Miles Mullin: The Public Square, Gun Violence, and Prophetic Patriotism
The conversation touches on the public square, pro-life policies, gun violence, and “prophetic patriotism.”
How Jesus’ Teaching on Sex Changed Rome (and the World)
Sex in the Ancient Roman World Before the influence of Christianity, the Roman world was a dark, dangerous […]
If Paul had a Twitter Account: Social Media Apologetics
We must retool our social media apologetic witness.
7 Principles to Help Christians Navigate the Immigration Debate
We can find in Scripture some basic frameworks to think about the issue well and guide our engagement as citizens.
Stephen Eccher: Singing ‘Amazing Grace’ in Newton’s Church (and Seeing History Come Alive)
History comes alive in Oxford, says Dr. Stephen Eccher. Plus, Jessica Prol Smith talks the March for Life.
What a Century-Old Austrian Economist Can Teach Us about Peace in a Tumultuous Election Year
We are called to pursue peace in our community, and we require practical wisdom to do so.
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