Michael Strauss: The “God Particle” and Making Apologetics Accessible
Dr. Mike Strauss talks about this work with the so-called "God particle" — and how he hopes to make apologetics accessible.
Michael Strauss: The “God Particle” and Making Apologetics Accessible
Dr. Mike Strauss talks about this work with the so-called "God particle" — and how he hopes to make apologetics accessible.
The Census: Did Luke Make a Mistake?
We have every reason to trust the veracity of Luke’s account.
Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism: A Biblical Response to Current Trends
Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism: A Biblical Anthropology
While Genesis 1 establishes sexuality, Genesis 2 provides the basis for gender.
Baptizing Spinoza: How a Pantheist Can You Help You Be a Better Pastor
We learn from the error of Spinoza and believe in order to know.
If Paul had a Twitter Account: Social Media Apologetics
We must retool our social media apologetic witness.
What Can Science Tell Us? Reflecting On a Recent Dialogue with an Agnostic Friend
Exposing scientism’s weaknesses is often a good starting point in the process of getting someone to rethink their atheism/agnosticism and, through God’s providence and direction, ultimately lead them to the truth of Christianity.
Lament, Grief, and Christian Hope
When dealing with grief, we must look beyond speculative theodicies towards something – or Someone – better.
Should Christians Be “Welcoming and Affirming”?
Jesus Christ was welcoming, but there is no evidence of him affirming an unbiblical lifestyle.
Answering Jesus Mythicism
If Christians can begin to improve their familiarity with the history of the Gospels and arguments for their reliability, then responding to objections like those pushed by Jesus mythicists will become quite natural.
The Superiority of the Christian Story
The Christian story is not only true but also is deeply meaningful and hopeful.
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