Michael Strauss: The “God Particle” and Making Apologetics Accessible
Dr. Mike Strauss talks about this work with the so-called "God particle" — and how he hopes to make apologetics accessible.
Michael Strauss: The “God Particle” and Making Apologetics Accessible
Dr. Mike Strauss talks about this work with the so-called "God particle" — and how he hopes to make apologetics accessible.
Jennifer Wiseman: The Magnitude of the Universe (Plus a Tribute to Adrianne Miles)
What Can Science Tell Us? Reflecting On a Recent Dialogue with an Agnostic Friend
Exposing scientism’s weaknesses is often a good starting point in the process of getting someone to rethink their atheism/agnosticism and, through God’s providence and direction, ultimately lead them to the truth of Christianity.
Liz Hall: Our Suffering Has a Purpose
Liz Hall wasn't prepared for suffering. Discover what she's learned about this inescapable reality of our lives — and what it means for you.
Justin Barrett: Engaging Science to Shape Culture
Christ-followers are woefully underrepresented in the sciences. Justin Barrett wants to change that.
Artificial Intelligence Roundtable: Eddy Wu, Derek Schuurman, and Jeremy Peckham
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. What exactly is it, what challenges does it present? And (most importantly), how can we think Christianly about it?
Andrew Spencer: Building a Theology of Creation Care
Christian conversations about creation care are often simply baptized notions of secular environmentalism. But Andrew J. Spencer thinks we can do better.
Online Fellowship: A Complement, Not a Replacement, of the Church
Put simply, the more Christians fellowship, the more they mature. And the Internet provides fallow ground for fellowship.
Paul LaPennna: Neuroscience and the Soul
What does neuroscience teach us about the soul? We talk to Christian neuroscientist Dr. Paul LaPenna to find out.
UFOs: Do You Want to Believe?
Could aliens be a gut-level response to the human need to react to both the wonder and the chaos of the world?
Jeff Hardin: Thinking Christianly About Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is here. We talk to a Christian who works in that field to learn about the positives — and what we should be wary of.
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