Tom Nettles: The Life and Legacy of L. Russ Bush
Tom Nettles talks to Ken Keathley about L. Russ Bush and their book, 'Baptists and the Bible.'
Tom Nettles: The Life and Legacy of L. Russ Bush
Tom Nettles talks to Ken Keathley about L. Russ Bush and their book, 'Baptists and the Bible.'
When God Ran
Like the running father, Jesus bore our shame and suffered to draw us close, sanctifying us through His sacrifice.
Christopher Talbot: Theological Anthropology
We at the Center for Faith and Culture have been involved in a project on theological anthropology. What does that term mean, and what have we learned?
The Census: Did Luke Make a Mistake?
We have every reason to trust the veracity of Luke’s account.
Malcolm Yarnell: Karl Barth and Natural Theology
What can we learn about God from the natural world? Malcolm Yarnell joins us to talk about Karl Barth and natural theology.
Psalm 27 as the Solution in the Struggle Over Self-Image
Like David, we can find comfort, satisfaction, and confidence in the God of our salvation as we behold him.
May Christians Engage in Natural Theology? Karl Barth Contra Mundum
While the majority tradition will likely prevail, Karl Barth’s minority report needs to be heard, and his warning against the misuse of general revelation must be heeded.
He Gets Us? Don’t Minimize the Actions of Jesus
Both his words and actions have tremendous value, and they only make complete sense in light of each other.
“I Can Do All Things”: Don’t Miss the Point
Paul understood that any hardship, whether prison or death, is bearable through Christ.
Answering Jesus Mythicism
If Christians can begin to improve their familiarity with the history of the Gospels and arguments for their reliability, then responding to objections like those pushed by Jesus mythicists will become quite natural.
The Superiority of the Christian Story
The Christian story is not only true but also is deeply meaningful and hopeful.
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