Untold Stories of the Black Church (with Walter Strickland)
Have you ever felt like a voice is missing in American history – or even in the history of the American church?
Untold Stories of the Black Church (with Walter Strickland)
Have you ever felt like a voice is missing in American history – or even in the history of the American church?
Who Was L. Russ Bush?
We embody the life and ministry of our founder, Dr. L Russ Bush (1944-2008). We'd like to introduce you to his work and legacy.
The Census: Did Luke Make a Mistake?
We have every reason to trust the veracity of Luke’s account.
How Jesus’ Teaching on Sex Changed Rome (and the World)
Sex in the Ancient Roman World Before the influence of Christianity, the Roman world was a dark, dangerous […]
Let’s Talk About Sex: Can America’s Hyper-Sexualized Culture Grow a Godly Conscience?
This isn't the first time the Christian sex ethic has seemed strange.
A Recap of the ‘Exploring Personhood: Challenges to Humanity’ Conference
2024 marks the final year of the Center for Faith and Culture’s three-year investigation into theological anthropology. This […]
What Makes Baptists Unique (And Why it Matters Now)
But in any case, the decision to exclude these churches raises an important question for the future: How much theological agreement does the Convention want to require?
Stephen Eccher: Singing ‘Amazing Grace’ in Newton’s Church (and Seeing History Come Alive)
History comes alive in Oxford, says Dr. Stephen Eccher. Plus, Jessica Prol Smith talks the March for Life.
Timothy George: Augustine and the Great Tradition
Jordan Steffaniak: The Protestant Reformers on Spiritual Formation
Jordan Steffaniak of the London Lyceum joins us to discuss the Protestant Reformers and what they can teach us about spiritual formation.
Joshua Swamidass: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry
Dr. Joshua Swamidass shares his perspective on the question of human origins at a Library Talk at Southeastern Seminary.
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