5 Ways to Pray for Christian Educators
School is back in session. Here are 5 ways to pray for Christian educators this year so they can serve their students well and honor Christ.
5 Ways to Pray for Christian Educators
School is back in session. Here are 5 ways to pray for Christian educators this year so they can serve their students well and honor Christ.
The Homecoming: Advent and the Ache of the Season
The Homecoming, a 1971 movie, captures the spirit of Advent remarkably well. Here's how it points us to the longing of the season — and to the One we're longing for.
4 Ways to Pray for the 2022 Midterm Elections
Prepare. Vote. Make your voice heard. But before you do any of that, pray.
What a Little-Known Monk Can Teach Us About Work
When we follow Brother Lawrence's example, we can do ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way.
Roe Is Dead. Here Are 5 Ways We Can Respond Right Now.
Roe v. Wade is dead. How should we respond in light of this monumental decision? Here are a few of reflections...
3 Ways Christians Can Commemorate Memorial Day
Memorial Day is much more than an excuse to barbecue. We remember and honor those who died serving our country and thus preserved our life and liberty.
This Easter, Bring Your Brain with You
This Easter, reject the calls to divorce your brain from your faith.
The Sexual Revolution Is Coming for our Kids. How Should Christian Parents Respond?
At their earliest ages, children will be led to believe that what is wrong is actually admirable. How should Christian parents respond?
What Does It Mean to be Human? Reflections on the Exploring Personhood Conference
Exploring Personhood not only defied each of my expectations; it was one of my favorite conferences the CFC has ever hosted.
How Should Christians Consume the News? A Review of ‘Reading the Times’ by Jeffrey Bilbro
By Nathaniel Williams Right now, your pocket is probably buzzing with a notification on your phone. Cable news […]
4 Ways I Pray for my Children
By Nathaniel Williams My children are one of the greatest blessings in my life. I agree with the […]
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