The Census: Did Luke Make a Mistake?
We have every reason to trust the veracity of Luke’s account.
The Census: Did Luke Make a Mistake?
We have every reason to trust the veracity of Luke’s account.
How Jesus’ Teaching on Sex Changed Rome (and the World)
Sex in the Ancient Roman World Before the influence of Christianity, the Roman world was a dark, dangerous […]
Let’s Talk About Sex: Can America’s Hyper-Sexualized Culture Grow a Godly Conscience?
This isn't the first time the Christian sex ethic has seemed strange.
Jesus is Our Big Brother: A Spiritual Antidote for Fear and Anxiety
God sent an Angel to rescue Daniel from death by lion, but He sent Jesus to rescue us from death itself.
The Corinthian Twins: The Big Idea Behind Naming King Lune’s Sons in The Horse and His Boy
Lewis teaches us that great Christian art doesn’t have to be explicitly Christian. After all, God didn’t write Bible verses on the sun, moon, and stars.
Lord of the Wardrobe
Dress is the creative adornment of pre-existing divine art.
Yes, God is with You (and Other Truths for Anxious and Depressed People)
God and Lesser Authorities Part 2: Why Are We to Submit?
God’s reputation should be enhanced, not diminished, by His representatives.
Things I’ve Learned From Debating My Dad About Apologetic Method
However, good arguments, like a warm meal, can establish a more hospitable environment in which to share the gospel.
Nonresistant Nonbelief? Reexamining A Trending Atheist Argument
There is more than sufficient evidence for God’s existence and Jesus’ resurrection, evidence that leaves the unbeliever without excuse.
God and Lesser Authorities: Who Should We Submit to, and When?
In this, the first installment, we will look at the who and when of institutional submission.
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