
Who Was L. Russ Bush?

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The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) is the hub of cultural engagement at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The CFC seeks to equip students to advance the way of Christ in all of culture. Dr. Benjamin Quinn is the director of the Center.

We also embody the life and ministry of our founder, Dr. L. Russ Bush (1944-2008). In this brief post, we’d like to introduce you to his work and legacy.

Russ Bush was a champion and faithful warrior for the cause of Christ and the Gospel.

A Champion and Faithful Warrior

Dr. Bush was a noted philosopher, apologist, author, professor, pastor and friend. He spent his life serving the church, the Southern Baptist Convention and most recently Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as Academic Vice-President, Dean of Faculty and Professor. In 2006 he became Dean of Faculty Emeritus and the first Director of the CFC. As Academic Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Bush was instrumental in Southeastern reclaiming its sound theological heritage.

Dr. Bush also led in the debate to secure the inerrancy of the Bible as a primary Southern Baptist doctrine with the book he co-authored with Dr. Tom Nettles, Baptists and the Bible. The book has been said to have changed history.

“Russ Bush was a champion and faithful warrior for the cause of Christ and the Gospel,” Southeastern Seminary President Danny Akin told Baptist Press. “His work Baptists and the Bible was a landmark in the battle for the Bible that engulfed our denomination. Its impact is still being felt today.”

Dr. Bush’s guidance was foundational in the development of the CFC. This center is the materialization of a vision he had for many years. It was his passion to connect theology with culture to make the Gospel of Christ known. The CFC was named for Dr. Bush at its creation in 2006 because he embodied the vision and modeled the ministry of the CFC. The CFC seeks to continue Dr. Bush’s legacy.

Ways to Listen

The Life and Legacy of L. Russ Bush

Dr. Ken Keathley sat down with Dr. Tom Nettles, who co-authored Baptists and the Bible with Dr. Bush. Here’s an excerpt of that conversation:

  • Russ and I pledged to each other, ‘If we’re ever in a place where we’re working together, we need to write a book about Baptists and their view of Scripture.’ Because what we were finding out was that the things people were saying about Baptists and their view of Scripture was simply not true.”


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MA Ethics, Theology, and Culture

The Master of Arts Ethics, Theology, and Culture is a Seminary program providing specialized academic training that prepares men and women to impact the culture for Christ through prophetic moral witness, training in cultural engagement, and service in a variety of settings.

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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