
#FaithandCulture Reading: Juneteenth, Saving America, Planned Parenthood, the Alt-Right and Culture

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How can Christians have a missionary encounter with culture? What is Juneteenth, and why does it matter? What’s a practical way you can save America? And what is the significance of recent resolutions from the Southern Baptist Convention on Planned Parenthood and the alt-right?

Get answers to these questions and more from Tim Keller, Jemar Tisby, Dan Darling, Liberty McArtor and Nathan Finn in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.

How to Have an Effective ‘Missionary Encounter’ with Culture

Over at The Gospel Coalition, Tim Keller shares five ways the church can have a “missionary encounter” with western culture. He writes,

It’s obvious in Western societies that Christians are again seen as too exclusive and narrow, and that they too may soon be excluded from many government, academic, and corporate jobs, and be socially marginalized in various other ways. What can we learn from the early church so that we can have our own effective missionary encounter? Read More>>

What Is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth is a relatively unknown holiday, but it is the oldest celebration of the end of slavery in the United States. Jemar Tisby fills you in on this important holiday over at Reformed African American Network:

Celebrating Juneteenth gives citizens the opportunity to remember the ways freedom has always been circumscribed for people of color and it serves as motivation to press for continual emancipation from all forms of slavery. Read More>>

Share a Meal, Save America

Want to save America? Share a meal with someone who thinks differently you, says Liberty McArtor in an article at The Stream. She writes,

Love isn’t a feeling. It’s active. That’s why sharing a meal is so powerful. Preparing a meal takes investment. Opening up your home requires trust. Sharing your table means vulnerability. Read More>>

Southern Baptists Call for the Defunding and Investigating of Planned Parenthood

Over at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Nathan Finn details a resolution from the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2017 Annual Meeting that calls for the defunding and investigation of Planned ParenthoodHe writes,

The resolution’s adoption was greeted with sustained applause and even a few cheers from the messengers. It was an important moment that demonstrates how committed the SBC has become to the sanctity of human life and the pro-life cause in the public square. Read More>>

Southern Baptists Publicly Condemned the Alt-Right. Here’s Why That Matters

Speaking of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dan Darling explains why it’s important that the convention condemned the alt-right in this article at Relevant. He explains,

Many resolutions since have acknowledged this, but it is important, given our history, for us to speak clearly and strongly against modern-day white supremacy. This resolution is an acknowledgement that although we are not yet who we should be, we are not who we were. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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