CFC Lecture

Leonardo De Chirico: An Evangelical Assessment of The Roman Catholic Doctrine of Scripture

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Leonardo De Chirico recently delivered a lecture at Southeastern Seminary titled “From Dei Verbum (1965) to Verbum Domini (2010). In it, he offers an evangelical assessment of theological trends in the present-day Roman Catholic doctrine of Scripture.

Leonardo De Chirico (B.A., University of Bologna; M.Div., Wales Evangelical School of Theology; PhD, King’s College London) is the pastor of Breccia di Roma and vice chairman of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Additionally, Leonardo is lecturer of Historical Theology at IFED (Padova, Italy) and the director of the Reformanda Initiative ( He is the author of A Christian Pocket Guide to the Papacy: Its Origin and Role in the 21st Century; A Christian Pocket Guide to Mary: Mother of God?; and Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism. He blogs at

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