In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight articles from Bekah Stoneking, Josh Wester, Philip Bethancourt and K.B. Hoyle.
Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone
Bekah Stoneking encourages you to read outside your comfort zone in this article at Lifeway Books: “I challenge you to challenge yourself. Take on a new book, make yourself available, and go where the pages lead; there’s something good for you there if you’re willing to find it!”
Why the West Is (Likely) Doomed
Over at The Gospel Coalition, Josh Wester reviews Jonah Goldberg’s new book, Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy.
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Back-to-School Routine
With the new school year beginning, how can you strengthen the back-to-school routine for your kids? Philip Bethancourt offers four suggestions in this article at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Let the (Big) Children Come Unto Me: On Harry Potter, Young Adult Literature, and Learning to Love Your Audience
K.B. Hoyle reflects on what J.K. Rowling’s work on Harry Potter taught her about writing, empathy and more in this piece at Christ and Pop Culture. She writes, “To love teenagers is to write them as they are—not as we wish they would be.”
What articles would you recommend this weekend?