Summer Reading List

Talking About God in Biblical Terms | Steve McKinion’s Summer Reading Recommendations

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Steve McKinion recommends two books for your summer reading list.

Christians need to recapture language for speaking about the One True and Living God in biblical terms.

The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God
by Robert Wilken (Yale University Press, 2005)

I try to read this book each year. It is a survey of theology from the Ancient Church, where early Christians combatted heresy and developed ways of expressing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world with no Christian background but enormous religious fervor. Their world was not unlike our own contemporary world, in many ways. Their faithfulness to the Gospel and the Great Commission shaped their lives and their theology.

God (Volume 1: Theology for Every Person)
by Malcolm Yarnell (B&H, 2024)

The Doctrine of God is always important for Christians. In today’s climate of confused theology and confusing theological language, Christians need to recapture language for speaking about the One True and Living God in biblical terms. This book is a reminder that the only way to know God is through Jesus.


Editor's Note

Read an excerpt of Dr. Yarnell's book 'God': May Christians Engage in Natural Theology? Karl Barth Contra Mundum

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  • Summer Reading List
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