Why does culture matter for economic flourishing? Why should you care about the opioid crisis? How should Christians think about business? And what are some tips to help you budget your time this school year?
Get answers to these questions and more from Philip Bethancourt, Joseph Sunde, Hugh Whelchel and Jayson Rowe in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Why the Culture Matters for Economic Flourishing
Joseph Sunde explains the connection between culture and flourishing in this article at the Acton Institute. He writes,
In assessing and addressing the economic issues of the day, we tend to look first to tangible or mathematical solutions, cutting and re-cutting various economic pies as we ponder different policies and pathways to higher employment, better wages, and all-around material prosperity.
Yet as the Heritage Foundation’s latest Index of Culture and Opportunity aptly argues and demonstrates, the broader cultural factors have plenty of influence on all the rest. Read More>>
The Opioid Crisis Is the Pro-Life Issue Evangelicals Aren’t Talking About
America’s opiod crisis grows worse by the day. But is it on evangelicals’ radar? Philip Bethancourt of The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission writes,
Every day 142 people die from drug overdoses in America. The median sized church is just over 75 people. This means that every day the equivalent of the number of people in two average size churches lose their life to drugs; many from opioids. Read More>>
Christians in Business: The Triple Bottom Line Through a Biblical Lens
Over at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, Hugh Whelchel examines the triple bottom line (profit, people, planet) through a biblical lens. He writes,
Every evangelical should read J. I. Packer’s Knowing God. It’s the only book I can think of that I’ve read closely more than three times, and each time I find it helps me grow in my walk with Christ. That book is such a gift to the body of Christ. Read More>>
Studenthood and Time Management
Jayson Rowe of Between the Times explains how students can manage their time well. He writes,
Try to have one day of rest each week. I have tried to maintain Sunday as a day free of schoolwork. I can’t say I’ve been successful for every Sunday over the past three years, but most have been free from school work. It’s important to have a balance. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?