Francis Schaeffer was one of the brightest Christian thinkers of the 20th Century. Dr. Bruce Ashford describes his influence this way:
Francis Schaeffer was the director of a Swiss retreat center, L’Abri, and became well known as a teacher and defender of the Christian faith. Schaeffer and his wife, Edith, had moved to Europe to work with a Christian children’s ministry, but they ended up founding L’Abri in the village of Huemoz, Switzerland, in a cottage that also served as their home. L’Abri became a place where hundreds and eventually thousands of seekers and skeptics came to have their spiritual and intellectual questions answered. (Read more.)
Udo Middelmann, Professor of Philosophy at Redeemer University College, visited Southeastern Seminary in 2008 for a conference on Francis Schaeffer and his legacy. In this lecture from that conference, he discusses Francis Schaeffer the man.
Middelmann holds degrees in law and theology and serves as the president of the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation. He is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and a longtime worker at Swiss L’Abri. Watch the video above, read a brief excerpt below.
I want to touch on things closer to his personality as well as to the central themes in his ideas.
On his goals in this lecture.
“I know that many of you are familiar with his books, his writings. I want to touch on things closer to his personality as well as to the central themes in his ideas…. It will be a limited portrait. I do not intend to deliver to you the details of Schaeffer’s biography. His birth, childhood, family background, studies and work have been carefully and extensively presented. A personal and intimate portrait is found in Edith Schaeffer’s The Tapestry. Here she weaves together many threads into an elaborate carpet in which her and her husband’s fruitful life, present and past, are assembled for your eyes.”