Should Christians engage in Black Friday? How can you persevere in the “parenting marathon”? How could you confront someone’s racism or sexism? How does The Dark Knight Trilogy address utopias?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Bruce Ashford, Chap Bettis, Branden Henry and Joseph Hartropp in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Why Christians Should Freely Participate in Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Bruce Ashford explains why Christians should participate in Thanksgiving and Black Friday over at his blog. He writes,
Each year, any number of Christian writers and preachers extol the virtues of the Thanksgiving holiday, while lamenting the vices of its Black Friday successor. They equate Thanksgiving with gratitude and Black Friday with greed. They encourage Americans to participate in Thanksgiving and boycott Black Friday. But that is not quite right. Christian should freely participate in both Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Read More>>
8 Ways to Persevere in the Parenting Marathon
Parenting can be a challenge. Over at The Gospel Coalition, Chap Bettis offers tips for surviving the marathon. He writes,
Family discipleship (and the Christian life) is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. You may be at mile 1, 18, or 25. Others can encourage you along the way, but ultimately you’re running for an audience of One. You are not competing against anyone else. The King who sits on the throne is also inside you, providing strength and wisdom. Walk if you must. But keep going! It will be worth the pain in the end. And best of all, your Father is waiting at the finish line with open arms. Read More>>
A Bible-Informed Guide for Confronting Racism and Sexism
Branden Henry helps us address racism and sexism in this post. He writes,
Everything that follows in this article hinges on the above Scripture. In order to confront racism and sexism, you have to believe in your bones that anything tearing down a man or woman due to the image they reflect is a direct slap to the face of their Creator. Read More>>
Waiting for Gotham: Utopian Yearning in The Dark Knight Trilogy
Over at Christ and Pop Culture, Joseph Hartropp explores the deeper themes of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy. He writes,
Nolan doesn’t give us a simple, perfect utopia, but he does give us hope. We’re left looking up. We’re yearning. Read More>>
What are you reading this holiday weekend?