Readers Choice Nominees 2022

Steve McKinion, Christy Thornton, and Ken Keathley on “Thinking Theologically”

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What is theological method? And how does theology affect our ministries and everyday lives? In this Library Talk, Dougald McLaurin of the Library at Southeastern Seminary talks to Drs. Steve McKinion, Christy Thornton, and Ken Keathley about these questions and more.

Theology is thinking properly about God, the world he's created, the work of salvation he's provided, and his plan for our lives.


  • Dr. McKinion: “Theology at its core is speech about God. Christian Theology is speech about a particular God. It would be words, symbols and actions that convey the God who is at work in Christ reconciling the world to himselt that help us understand that story.”
  • Dr. Keathley: “[Theology is] thinking properly about God, the world he’s created, the work of salvation he’s provided, and his plan for our lives…. In many ways, we’re trying to cut square boards out of round logs…. we’re trying to derive the truths from the Christian story in a way that is faithful to what God has revealed to us in the Word and the world.”
  • Dr. Thornton: “As we grow in clarity in that which we already know, we are sent to be able to proclaim that hope to those who do not know.”

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  • Readers Choice Nominees 2022
  • theology
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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