What is social justice, really? Can the ordinary parts of your life teach you anything about God? What does Wonder Woman teach you about the gender wars? And how did an atheist professor become a Christian?
Get answers to these questions and more from Spence Spencer, Alysha Clark, Russell Moore, Seth Brown and Sarah Irving-Stonebraker in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Review: Social Justice Isn’t What You Think It Is
What is social justice? This popular phrase can mean many different things. In this article at The Institute of Faith, Work and Economics, Spence Spencer breaks it down in a review of a new book from Michael Novak and Paul Adams. He writes,
Today, many people justify actions or an argument under the mantle of ‘social justice.’ In many of these cases, however, the term social justice remains undefined. It becomes a blunt force instrument to support actions that on the surface may seem compassionate, but in reality may be unhealthy or even destructive. Read More>>
Wonder Woman and the Gender Wars
The new Wonder Woman movie hits theaters this weekend. Russell Moore reflects on what Wonder Woman’s legacy tells us about the gender wars. He writes,
Whether you go see Wonder Woman or not, let’s be ready to speak to our neighbors of a gospel that’s good news for women and girls, as well as for men and boys. Let’s speak of a gospel restores some real wonder to womanhood, and some meaning to manhood too. Read More>>
Russell Moore: ‘Parenting is hard’
Speaking of Russell Moore, Seth Brown of The Biblical Recorder interviewed Moore about the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s upcoming annual conference. Moore says,
Christians are often overly fearful of various things in culture, but this is one where I think Christians aren’t fearful enough. I don’t think we take seriously what actually is going on with technology, partly because it’s impossible to keep one or two steps ahead of emerging technology. Read More>>
How Oxford and Peter Singer Drove Me from Atheism to Jesus
Sarah Irving-Stonebraker used to be an atheist professor. Now she’s a Christian. She shares her story in this article at The Veritas Forum. Here’s an excerpt:
With the freedom of being an outsider to American culture, I was able to see an active Christianity in people who lived their lives guided by the gospel: feeding the homeless every week, running community centres, and housing and advocating for migrant farm laborers. Read More>>
Book Review: Liturgy of the Ordinary
Alysha Clark reviews the latest book from Tish Harrison Warren in a post over at our sister blog, Women’s Life. She writes,
Liturgy of the Ordinary provides refreshment to the soul weary with the commonness of life. Warren is a poetic writer and she uncovers the beauty of the everyday by revealing the presence of God in daily activity. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?