
#FaithandCulture Reading: ‘Life is Beautiful.’ Meming the Classics. Redeeming Your Commute.

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In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today, we highlight articles from Danny Akin, Trevin Wax, K. B. Hoyle, Marylou Springer, Denise Daniels and Shannon Vandewarker.

Life Is Still Beautiful

Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition reflects on the beauty and importance of the film “Life Is Beautiful,” which turns 20 years old this year. He writes,

Life Is Beautiful succeeds because its focus is not on the suffering of humans, but on the humans that suffer. And because it refuses to allow suffering to replace joy as the fundamental element of the main character. Benigni’s film resonates because it depicts joy as the deepest reality of the universe, and suffering as an intrusion.

Memeing the Classics: How SparkNotes on Twitter Enters into a Great Work

Remember SparkNotes, the resource you turned to in high school to help you understand complex literary works? K. B. Hoyle of the Christ and Pop Culture explains how SparkNotes’ Twitter account has found a new way to teach us the old stories. She writes,

As such, the meme actually reveals something special in each story—that quality which, perhaps, causes it to endure. Beyond the sheer amusement of chuckling at a meme, the “I understood that reference” sensation we get connects us to the stories and connects the stories together across time, genre, and relevancy. The classics become not just dusty stories from the past filled with hard-to-read words and long entangled sentences, but stories that are a little bit more like the ones we enjoy watching on Netflix every night. Such things don’t bring the classics low (is that even possible?)—they elevate all our experiences with all other art and media.

Your Daily Commute Is One Way God Transforms You

Denise Daniels and Shannon Vandewarker offer wisdom on how you can redeem the time you spend on your commute in this article at Made to Flourish. Here’s an excerpt:

God can transform your commute — whether it is mundane or stressful, short or long — into an experience of worship and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit. You can be intentional about how you are shaped, and it begins with your commute.

From our Sister Blogs

Intersect serves as the blog of the Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) at Southeastern Seminary (SEBTS). Take a few minutes to look at recent posts from our sister Centers:

  • The Father’s Love: Reflections on Idolatry in South Asia
    Marylou Springer: “It’s difficult to understand such devotion to a god that must be woken up and fed – a god that was created by mere human hands, who makes no sound nor motion. And yet, isn’t this what we do? Worship the created things rather than the Creator?”

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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