
For Your Weekend Reading (Christmas Edition)

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Every week, you get a recap of what others are saying about the intersection of faith and culture, work, economics and public life. In honor of Christmas, we’re posting this week’s list early. We’ll be back with regular posts on Monday, Dec. 28.

Happy reading, and merry Christmas!

Skimping Christmas: Can We Afford to Simplify the Holidays?

Are you overwhelmed by all your Christmas stuff — and all the time it takes to put the stuff up?  Patrick Sanders at The Institute for Faith & Work suggests a remedy — blessing others.

Lessons from the Grinch

In honor of Christmas, here are five lessons you can learn from the Grinch.

Russell Moore on NPR: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Russell Moore talks with NPR’s Michel Martin to help us answer this question.

Trevin Wax’s 10 Favorite Reads of 2015 

Recent SEBTS PhD graduate Trevin Wax includes Bruce Ashford’s One Nation Under God in his top 10 books of 2015. He writes that the book…

…appeal[s] to principles and demonstrate a posture that transcends the polarities of ‘right’ and ‘left’ or ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal.’

Building community through arts ministry

Art provides a powerful way to engage culture. This article highlights successful arts ministries.

I think the church has lost its ability to communicate with people of different beliefs. Art is a language that can build that bridge. It has something ‘soul-ish’ about it — it connects with people in a deep way.

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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