The prophet Daniel lived in a hostile environment. Yet he remained faithful to God and gained his peers’ favor. What can we learn from his example about leadership and politics — particularly in a time when the two leading candidates to be President include a thrice-married casino magnate and veteran politician well acquainted with scandal?
In this sermon at Southeastern Seminary, Dr. Daniel Akin explores Daniel 6 to uncover what kind of politicians and statesmen a nation needs.
Here are a few key highlights:
Why Daniel?
“What is it about this man that caused him to earn such incredible respect, first from the Babylonians and then from the Medo-Persians? And what was it about this man that allowed him to stand strong and stand well for his God in the midst of a context that was increasingly hostile — indeed, very hostile — to his particular worldview and his way of understanding his God.”
What kind of leaders do we need?
- “We need men who honor God and allow him to exalt them.”
- “We need men who are more interested in pleasing God than pleasing people.”
- “We need men who trust in God and rest in his providence.”
- “We need men who want God to use them to make himself famous among the nations.”