
#FaithandCulture Reading: Martin Luther King Jr. and Communism, Sexual Assault, African Religions, the Vulnerable

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Every week, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we highlight important articles from Russell Moore, Abby Perry, Ben Johnson, Christy Britton and Ernest Cleo Grant II.

You Can’t Have Ethics Without Stories

Russell Moore explains why stories — and the Story — are so important to how we live our lives. He writes,

Biblical illiteracy is a problem, not just for the theological integrity of the church, but for the ethics of our everyday lives. You can’t have morality or justice without stories. Read More>>

The 3 Reasons Martin Luther King Jr. Rejected Communism

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Ben Johnson explains why he rejected communism in this article at Acton’s Religion and Liberty Transatlantic. He writes,

Just months after the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, it is worth remembering that King explicitly denounced Communism. Read More>>

The Church Needs a Masterclass in How to Apologize for Sexual Assault

Abby Perry contrasts two responses to accusations of sexual assault, and she laments how one from a Christian fell woefully short. She writes at Christ and Pop Culture,

Abuse of power, refusal to admit sin in its fullness, and grasping authority with clenched fists have no place in God’s kingdom. Read More>>

How You Can Resolve to Help the Vulnerable This Year

Christy Britton encourages us to help the vulnerable in this article at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. She writes,

God values the vulnerable, and one of the ways we can be more like him is to care for the vulnerable ones around us. Read More>>

Looking for Ancient African Religion? Try Christianity.

Over at Christianity Today, Ernest Cleo Grant II comments on the growing appeal of ancient African religions. He writes,

It’s unfortunate that some urban Christians are leaving the faith for ancient African religions. It is even more heartbreaking when these individuals claim that their new faith corresponds better with their cultural sensibilities because the Christian theology is the realization of the truths that African spirituality points toward. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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