CFC Lecture

Nate Brooks: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

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How should Christians assess and respond to their emotions? Nate Brooks sat down to have a conversation about emotionally healthy spirituality.

Dr. Brooks is an assistant professor of counseling, teaching both introductory and specialized counseling courses that cover theological method, history, and the evaluation of psychological theories. He also serves as the Counseling Minister at Faith Baptist Church in Youngsville. Dr. Brooks is the founder and director of Courage Christian Counseling, a small practice that specializes in providing virtual counseling for survivors and perpetrators of abuse and trauma. He also frequently does consulting and training for churches across multiple denominations on the topic of abuse and trauma. Dr. Brooks lives in Youngsville, NC with his wife, Kate, and three children.


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By not trying to present ourselves as being emotionally bullet proof, as being people who are happy to talk about our struggles, that really does transform the culture of a community.

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  • CFC Lecture
  • Challenges to Humanity
  • counseling
  • formation
  • Readers Choice Nominees 2023
  • theological anthropology
  • theology
  • video
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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