
Opportunity: See the CFC Art Gallery

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This year, the Center for Faith and Culture has monthly themes. Our theme for December is “the arts.” We want to explore the intersection of faith and various art forms from poetry and music to paintings and sculpture.

To that end, we invite you to attend the CFC Art Gallery in the Center for Faith and Culture conference room on the 2nd floor of Carson Hall. The gallery features selections from Southeastern students, staff, and friends. You can also grab some hot chocolate and coffee, and create some art of your own! The gallery will be up through Friday, Dec. 13.

Plus, on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 10 am, come hear live music performed by Dr. Todd Borger!

Preview the Art Gallery

Sample the art selections

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PhD apologetics and culture

the PhD in Apologetics and Culture is to prepare persons to teach within an academic setting or work within a church and/or campus ministry seeking to have an effective apologetic voice by understanding and engaging culture with the truth claims of Christ.

  • art
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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