Today, celebrates its first anniversary — and what a year it’s been. So far, we’ve…
- published 1 book (with 2 more on the way)
- held 1 compelling conference
- released 3 free online classes
- published 108 articles
- and influenced more than 12,400 people like you.
To celebrate this anniversary, we’ve compiled our 10 most-read articles. Which one is your favorite?
1. Russell Moore: Why We Need a Persuasive, not Coercive, Voice
In this video, Russell Moore speaks about his new book Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel. The book was won multiple awards, and after listening to this interview, you’ll understand why.
2. Why You Can’t Find a Job You Love
We all want to find a job that gives us meaning and purpose, but our jobs always let us down. David Kim explains why, and he gets to the very heart of the matter: “Work was never meant to be the source of our identity, but the expression of it.”
3. Why So Many Poverty Alleviation Strategies Fail
Many people want to fix the problem of poverty. Very few are successful. Why do so many poverty alleviation strategies fail? Get a thought-provoking answer from Byron McMillan — someone who deals with this question every day.
4. A Pro-Life Ethic: Loving the Abortion Worker
To give you an idea how much this post has resonated with people, consider this: Laura Thigpen published it two days ago, and it already made our top 10 list. Once you read the haunting excerpt from an abortion worker’s memoir, you’ll understand why.
5. ‘Stuck’: Christians and the Transgender Narrative
Do you believe that the “real” person is the soul, not the body? Your answer may profoundly impact what you believe about transgender issues. This post from Amber Bowen offers a Christ-centered, philosophical approach to a hot-button topic.
6. Should Women Work? A Historical Perspective
Should women work? Individuals in certain Christians circles often debate this topic. Yet Carolyn McCulley persuasively argues that our ancestors would have never understood the question.
7. Do You View the City Like God Does?
In this thorough, biblically grounded post, Thomas West reminds us that “cities contain more crossroads for faith and culture than anywhere else in the world.”
8. Fed Up: Five Questions to Ask When Someone Hates Their Job
How can you help someone who is stuck in a job they hate? These five questions from Sarah Woods can get you started.
9. Four Reasons Pastors Must Address Faith and Work
Wisely and winsomely connecting faith and work is good for you, good for your congregation and ultimately glorifying to God. Here’s why, according to Cody Cunningham.
10. Seven Books on Theology & Culture
Bruce Ashford is the resident faith-and-culture guru at Southeastern Seminary. In this post, he gives you seven must-reads books on faith and culture.