Why do college students need the local church? Should you want a political revolution? Do you need to “repent of the buts”? And what did Jonathan Edwards think about social justice?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Russell Moore, James K.A. Smith, Sean Nolan and Greg Forster in today’s Weekend Reading.
Why You Need a Church (Not Just a Campus Ministry)
Russell Moore offers wisdom for students going back to school this semester: Be engaged in the local church. He writes,
There are lots of good campus ministries. Be sure you find one. Be sure you pour yourself into whatever ministry your campus group can empower you to lead or serve. Be sure you and your fellow campus ministry group members are out among your unsaved fellow students with dynamism and compassion. But be sure that you are, first of all, an active, identified, and accountable member of a local church. Read More>>
Join the Anti-Revolutionary Party
Everyone wants a revolution. Yet James K.A. Smith says maybe we don’t need a revolution. Maybe we just need reform.
What has been eclipsed in our revolutionary age is precisely a robust vision for reform as a wise, strategic, faithful pursuit of justice and the common good. There might be ways to effect change that don’t require scorched earth, all-or-nothing reengineering of everything that’s preceded us. Read More>>
Repenting of the Buts: A Racial Journey
Sean Nolan, over at the Reformed African American Network, explains his journey in repenting of racial cowardice.
‘He’s black, but…’ Those three words always mark the beginning of a bigoted statement. They get thrown around in ivory towers of suburbia where the skin is just as ivory and the ebony is rarely seen and never within earshot. I know because I was raised in such an ivory tower. Read More>>
Why Jonathan Edwards Saw Economic Justice As a Gospel Concern
Greg Forster, director of the Oikonomia Network, explains that Jonathan Edwards was deeply concerned about economic justice.
At critical moments in Edwards’s pastoral career, concerns about economic justice played a pivotal role in his ministry—motivated by his desire for faithful and fruitful proclamation of the gospel. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?