
5 Must-Reads for Your Labor Day

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Today is Labor Day. Hopefully you’re finding time to rest, relax, spend time with family and enjoy the company of friends.

In addition, take advantage of this reprieve from work to learn how to better honor God with your work. Here are a few resources to help you do so.

Destroying the Divide Between Pulpit and Pew

Benjamin Quinn explains that every Christian is a minister — especially at work. He writes,

The physical space between pulpit and pew in worship spaces is necessary for practical reasons. The metaphorical space between the “ordained” and the “ordinary” in the church, however, is unfortunate and unbiblical. Read More>>

Why You Can’t Find a Job You Love

Why is it so hard to find a job you love? David Kim digs into our dissatisfaction to discover an important truth:

We can’t love our work because we want our work to do something it was never designed to do. We want our work to give us a sense of our identity, our worth, our value and our security. And we end up placing upon work a weight that it can’t hold. Read More>>

Four Reasons Pastors Must Address Faith and Work

Pastors tend to focus on applying scripture to our spiritual lives or how the church functions. But Cody Cunningham explains that pastors must actively connect scriptural truths to people’s workplaces.

We fail our congregations if we do not intentionally and specifically connect the gospel to their vocations. Read More>>

Livin’ for the Weekend? Then You’re Working for the Wrong Reasons

We work hard all week to relax all weekend. This truth is almost assumed. But, Walter Strickland explains, that approach can lead us to work for the wrong reasons.

The next time you punch the clock, don’t do so begrudgingly with an eye towards Friday. Work with a renewed purpose, knowing that you are giving God glory and functioning as his image-bearer. Read More>>

Don’t Think Your Job Matters? Here’s Why It Does

Have you ever wondered if your job matters? Nathaniel Williams has. In this article, he shares a valuale lesson he learned along the way.

Maybe you think your job doesn’t matter. But your work is God’s means of providing for your family, community and the entire world. Read More>>

Enjoy your labor day!

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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